6 Quotes & Sayings By Abigail Haas

Abigail Haas grew up in a tiny, rural community in the Pacific Northwest where she learned to love the outdoors and grew up hiking with her parents and exploring the forests and mountains of Washington State. As a teenager, she spent most of her time reading and writing, and trying to live as frugally as possible. Abigail has always been an avid reader and writer, but her passion for books only grew when she was given one of her favorite authors’ books to read as a child. That book was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Read more

She is still a huge fan of his work and has since written two novels of her own: The Angel and The Warrior and The Heart of the Warrior. She is now working on her third novel set in the same world as The Heart of the Warrior called The Soul of the Warrior.

The truth is, it's not the act that I'm scared of, but giving myself so entirely to someone. As long as there are lines to draw and boundaries to cling to, I can pretend that I'm safe from the wanting that threatens to consume me. I'm separate, still all my own. But after.. What then? What comes after, when he has that much of me, to do with as he chooses? When I have him. Will it ever be enough? . Abigail Haas
After so many years drifting, not connected to anything, I'm...
After so many years drifting, not connected to anything, I'm finally tethered. Safe and loved, in the middle. We start senior year like kings, like nothing can ever tear us apart. We're wrong. Abigail Haas
Our lives are made up of choices. Big ones, small ones, strung together by the thin air of good intentions; a line of dominoes, ready to fall. Which shirt to wear on a cold winter's morning, what crappy junk food to eat for lunch. It starts out so innocently, you don't even notice: go to this party or that movie, listen to this song, or read that book, and then, somehow, you've chosen your college and career; your boyfriend or wife. . Abigail Haas
Our lives are made up of choices. Big ones, small ones, strung together by the thin air of good intentions; a line of dominoes, ready to fall. Abigail Haas
His eyes lingered on me, and I wondered if that was a message. Was he danger? Was I supposed to run? I wasn’t afraid. Abigail Haas